A downloadable project

Isometric tiles and blocks offer a unique visual style for 2D games, creating the illusion of depth and perspective while maintaining the simplicity of 2D assets. This technique is commonly used in 2.5D games, blending the charm of 2D art with the spatial depth of 3D-like environments, enhancing both the aesthetic appeal and gameplay complexity.

This guide focuses on stacking isometric blocks from StructTilesets to create an impression of the input image using TileMapLayers in Godot 4.3. Anyone working with other tilesets including flat tiles can still follow along to get started with a basic one-layer scene (steps 1-7). 

The Tilesets

All the tilesets I use are created from AI-generated images, usually 1024x1024px or 1792x1024px in size. Example:

These are split using ImageMagick into:

  • Squares - 64x64px

Then converted to:

  • 1:1 isoTiles - 92x92px

  • 2:1 isoTiles - 92x46px

  • 1:1 isoBlocks (original + mirror) - 92x184px

  • 2:1 isoBlocks (original + mirror) - 92x92px

Note: The mirroring of the first block can be achieved in Godot by flipping horizontally. They are included in the tilesets for completeness as they are also used outside of game engine. 

Demo Project

Step 1: Create a Demo Project

Start by creating a new project in Godot 4.3:

Figure 1.0: Create a new project in Godot

Copy over any tilesets in File Explorer to the Demo project folder (example downloads at bottom of page):

Figure 1.1: Copy the tilesets to demo project folder

Step 2: Create a Demo Scene

Right-click the project root and select Create New > Scene...:

Figure 2.0: Create a demo scene

Figure 2.1: Create a demo scene

Step 3: Add a TileMapLayer Node

In the new scene, right-click the root node and select Add Child Node:

Figure 3.0: Add Child Node

Search and select TileMapLayer from the list:

Figure 3.1: Create a TileMapLayer Node

Step 4: Setup the TileSet

Select the new TileMapLayer in the left tree menu:

Figure 4.0: Select the TileMapLayer

The Inspector will open on the right. Create a new tileset by selecting <empty>, then New TileSet:

Figure 4.1: Create and Select the TileSet

  1. For Tile Shape, select Isometric from the drop-down menu.
  2. Adjust the Tile Size based on your isometric tiles' dimensions
    1. For 2:1 tiles and blocks : 92x46px
    2. For 1:1 tiles and blocks : 92x92px

Figure 4.2: Set the Tile Size for iso21 or iso11

Step 5: Enable Y Sorting

Y Sorting is critical to ensure that objects are rendered in the correct visual order as you stack them. In the TileMapLayer properties, search for or scroll down to Y Sort Enabled under Ordering.

Figure 5.0: Enable Y Sort in the TileMapLayer

Step 6: Setup the Atlas for Tile Selection

Select TileSet in the bottom middle menu.

Drag your tileset from the FileSystem Menu, or import by pressing the + button. Select Yes when prompted to automatically create tiles in the Atlas:

Figure 6.0: Setup the TileSet Atlas

Ensure the Texture Region is set correctly to match your tiles:

  • isoTiles11 - 92x92px 

Figure 6.1: Adjust the Texture Region for isoTiles11

  • isoTiles21 - 92x46px

Figure 6.2:  Adjust the Texture Region for isoTiles21

  • isoBlocks11 - 92x184px

Figure 6.3:  Adjust the Texture Region for isoBlocks11

  • isoBlocks21 - 92x92px

Figure 6.4:  Adjust the Texture Region for isoBlocks21

Step 7: Adjust the Tile Rendering

For isoBlocks11 and isoBlocks21, adjust the Rendering settings to position the top of the block correctly. Switch to the Select menu in TileSet view. Shift + Mouse left-click-drag to select all blocks in the tileset:

Figure 7.0: Select all tiles/blocks

Set the Texture Origin Y under Rendering value to align properly:

  isoBlocks11 : -46px 

Figure 7.1: Set Texture Origin Y to -46px for isoBlocks11

  isoBlocks21 : -23px 

Figure 7.2: Set Texture Origin Y to -23px for isoBlocks21

After setting up the Atlas, ensure all the tiles are within the TileSet. Follow Tip 2 to remove those outside.

Step 8: Duplicate TileMapLayers

Right-click the TileMapLayer and select Duplicate to create additional layers.

Alternatively, select the TileMapLayer and press CTRL+D seven times to give us the eight demo layers:

Figure 8.0: Duplicate the TileMapLayer

Figure 8.1: Duplicated TileMapLayers

Step 9: Set TileMapLayer Z Indexes

To ensure that the layers stack and render properly, adjust the Z Index for each TileMapLayer. In Rendering properties, set the value based on the stacking order, 1 to 8 for the eight TileMapLayers.

Figure 9.0: Set Z Index

Step 10: Build the First Stack

Select the first TileMapLayer and switch to TileMap view. Select and place the bottom block in the stack (column) you want to build:

Figure 10.0: Place the first block

Continue by selecting TileMapLayer2 and the next block from the TileMap:

Figure 10.1: Continue placing blocks

Complete the first 8 block stack:

Figure 10.2: First full block stack

Step 11: Combining Stacks (North-East View)

We can create multiple perspectives by combining different orders of column stacks in the TileSet. The first perspective is North-East which uses odd columns.

In this demo we use columns in a sub-section of the TileSet with positions: 
1 (already created), 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17:

Figure 11.0: North-East view stacks

Place the first full row of the structure using blocks from the bottom of each column stack in the TileSet:

Figure 11.1: North-East view

Complete the eight TileMapLayers in the image section, 8 blocks high x 9 blocks wide:

Figure 11.2: North-East view

Step 12: Alternate Perspectives

Using the original and mirror stacks, we can build the following orientations/perspectives:

Odd Columns:

  • North-East (NE) :  (1, 3, 5, 7, 9 etc) (see steps 10-11)
  • East (E) :  (1, 5, 9 etc) 
  • South-East (SE): (1, 3, 5, 7, 9 etc) 

Even Columns (mirrors):

12.1: East View

East view uses every other odd column (1, 5, 9, 13, 17):

Figure 12.1.0: East view stacks

These come together in horizontal stacks from West to East:

Figure 12.1.1: East view

12.2: South-East View

South-East view uses every odd column (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17):

Figure 12.2.0: South-East view stacks

Figure 12.2.1: South-East view

12.3: South-West View

South-West view uses every even column (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18):

Figure 12.3.0: South-West View Stacks

South-West view:

Figure 12.4.1: South-West View

12.4: West View

West view uses every other even column (2, 6, 10, 14, 18):

Figure 12.4.0: West View Stacks

Figure 12.4.1: West View

12.5: North-West View

North-West view uses every even column (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18):

Figure 12.5.0: North-West View Stacks

Figure 12.5.1: North-West View

Tip 1: Finding Placed Blocks in TileMap

If you can't locate the next row/column block to use, select one of the already placed tiles with the Picker tool to find your bearings in the TileMap:

Figure 13.0: Finding placed blocks

Tip 2: Remove Atlas Tiles Outside the Texture

If you see the yellow warning icon under TileSet view stating "The current atlas source has tiles outside the texture":

Figure 14.0:  Atlas tiles warning message

Select the 3 dots dropdown and choose "Remove Tiles Outside the Texture":

Figure 14.1:  Remove Tiles Outside the Texture

Corrected TileSet:

Figure 14.2:  Corrected TileSet

Written with help from GPT4o.


Updated 17 days ago
Tags2D, Godot, guide, Isometric, stacking, Tilemap, Tileset


sqrTiles_LEGENDS1.png 1.7 MB
isoTiles11_LEGENDS1.png 2.1 MB
isoTiles21_LEGENDS1.png 1.1 MB
isoBlocks11_LEGENDS1.png 10 MB
isoBlocks21_LEGENDS1.png 6 MB

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